Elected Hebrew Dates


The Hebrew calendar contains special dates which have been celebrated as commemorative and festive days.
These elected dates give us an opportunity to observe and examine our daily life and routine.

On these selected dates Dorit Ben Dor holds special meetings that offer participants the opportunity to harness the potency and potential of these unique days for personal and spiritual development.

These are the selected days and their significance:


The Ten Days of Atonement (Rosh Hashanah-Yom Kippur)
When the Shofar is blown on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the gates of heaven open and remain so until later sealed when the Shofar marks the end of Yom Kippur.
Such days, when the heavens are open and receptive, are intended for us to write our annual contract in which we define our vision and commitment for the coming year.
When we wish each other "a good inscription (signature)" in the Book of Life we refer to sealing and realizing the contract in the year to come.


Hanukkah and the First Day of the Month of Tevet
The festival of Hanukkah commemorates a historic event, the Hashmonites' victory over the Greeks and of course the miracle of the oil can.
On this day, a great spark was released by the Creator which set the Jews free from Greek oppression.
The military triumph is actually the outcome of the absolute cosmic support that exits on that day.
During the 8 days of Hanukkah we have an opportunity to bond with the special light which on regular days is inaccessible to us.
The days of Hannukah are weekdays and the spark of divine light is integrated in whatever we do, it supports and strengthens our contract and helps us make new choices or renew those we already made. 


Tu B'shvat
Tu B'shvat, known as the Tree's New Year, is related to the awakening of nature, to the renewal and growth that follows the rainy season.
At Tu B'shvat, man unites with nature and identifies with the Earth's seasons and cycles.
Similarly, we also experience cycles of growth and progress alternating with period of stagnation.
Even when we feel dormant, set deeply in routine and when we have no energy to lift ourselves we must remember that we have the choice to wake-up and launch a process of rejuvenation and renewal.
The Tree's New Year is an excellent opportunity to make the choice of wakening from winter hibernation.


Purim is cosmically extremely potent - maybe more so than Yom Kippur.
The special energy of Purim can reverse destinies, transform something from nothing - create a completely new reality.
The custom to wear costumes and assume identities enables us to transcend the physical body and briefly shed the shell that defines us.
If on Yom Kippur we fast to reach a higher level of being, purity and consciousness, at Purim we reach a state of elevation through joyful ecstasy and merriment.
We do so to remind ourselves of the freedom of choice we have – and should exercise.


Pesach is known as the Festival of Liberty, when we fled the slavery of Egypt to become a free nation. This liberty is the ability to release our automatic behavior, our 'fixed reactions' for the benefit of choice.
Our 'fixed reactions' lead us to automatic behavior preventing us from making any choice.
Letting go liberates the slave within us setting him free to choose. 
During Pesach the powers of the universe are available to us helping us change what we failed to change that year, and make a new start.


Shavuot is the festival commemorating Receipt of the Torah. It is a time during which the Creator presents us with unique opportunities that can be seized only when special, universal energetic conditions exist.
The 6th of Sivan is the only time these singular conditions prevail.
It is at Shavuot that the Divinity married the Creator and that the People of Israel married the God of Israel.
This match is a creative power that enables each and every one of us to recreate the reality and pattern of our life.


Tu B'Av
On Tu B'Av there is a perfect merger between sun and moon.  On that date the young women of Jerusalem used to dress in white and dance merrily through the vineyards.
The circular dancing, the flow of life's energy create the ideal setting and mindset for finding the right partner.
This day provides everyone an opportunity to pair-up with the right partner and enjoy a happy married life, as well as find suitable partners for other circles of life, including business.

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